Grounded Kiwi backing Kiwi

We want to share the story of our very good friends at Grounded Kiwi, a family run business in NP. With a name like that they are perfect partners for our organisation and are now very regular donors to the Trust. The family named a bird Stella released in Omoana in 2023 and take great interest in our kiwi programme. The business sells quality earthing products for everyday well being and vitality. After first learning about Earthing / Grounding, including the health and well-being benefits of reconnecting to the earth, they were a bit skeptical initially, so they bought an expensive multimeter and tested everything. That data informed their decision to try earthing and discover the benefits themselves, this evolved into a side hustle which has now become a full time job. They stand by their products from their own personal experience of the improvement in their well being. Celine our equally skeptical trust manager did a bit of research and found plenty of endorsements from people on how these product have helped them. So she has been using a sleeping mat for over a year now and she reckons it has has a really positive effect on how she feels in the morning and fully recommends you give it a go! You can check out their full story and products here.